Introducing Janna and Dean – a super fun couple with tons of energy and zest for life! It’s been wonderful crossing paths with them. I’ve had a great time getting to know them, having great conversations about life and love and relationships, and also just hanging out having fun while shooting their engagement photos. You really couldn’t asked for a more laid-back care-free couple! For their engagement session they decided to incorporate a game of Scrabble on a home-made denim picnic blanket at the park. Scrabble (and apparently chess as well!) is one of their favourite games to play together, and it certainly makes for some fun photos too.

We kept the session low-key – basically by wandering around in Dean’s neighbourhood, hitting up some parks and finally to finish with a long walk home in the rain… getting totally drenched! (my camera bag comes with a hefty rain cover, so it was all good!)

Thanks Janna and Dean for a memorable evening… only a few more sleeps before the big day! Can’t wait!


To view the vintage edited version of these photos, visit their facebook photo album here!


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