The last trimester: that time when the last few weeks are counting down, and soon you’re going from two to three. There’s a certain excitement, anticipation and wonder that comes with this time. It’s such a joy to capture!
With Kim and Nic, there’s no hiding their absolute love for each other. They are so connected to each other and it’s so beautiful to see their love growing into a new chapter in their life. Their story is building and being there to preserve the feelings and memories for them is such a delight.

We met up at The Leaf at Assiniboine Park, and it is my absolute favourite location to visit in Winnipeg in the middle of the winter! Not only for the warmth, the live plants, and all the lush greenery, but also for the gorgeous backdrops for photo shoots.
We started off in the Tropical Biome then we went to the Mediterranean Biome and Babs Asper Display House. I was so happy to see the sunlight poke through the overcast skies to get that warm, humid glowing light that only a tropical setting can give you. My lenses were fogging up – and for a few shots, I intentionally left the fog on my lens for that extra “mood”. Why not? 🙂