It was one of those mornings when I was looking forward to going to Stella’s for a good latté and meeting up with a good friend… I started my day lazily, taking my time to get ready, until I took a peek outside the window and changed plans. Hoarfrost! I grabbed my camera and with 10 minutes to spare, stopped at a park on my way to Osborne Village. I wished I could have stayed longer, but after 10 minutes, the latté was beckoning me. With these winter gems safely in my memory card, I headed off to enjoy a great visit with my friend. As a freelance photographer, having the liberty to come and go, do fun shoots on the whim and make detours is such an added bonus to this already amazing job. There’s nothing like it! I really love these pictures – some of these backgrounds look like textured paintings – what photography can create from nature is absolutely stunning! I never cease to be amazed by light, texture, colour and shapes. I do have the best job in the world! I can’t get enough of taking pictures!