52-week photo & art project

May 15, 2011 | Uncategorized

A few weeks ago I got inspired to start a 52-week photo challenge. Being on flickr for several years now, it’s not uncommon to see tons of photographers posting photos from this self-assigned type of project. Usually people do a 365-day photo project where they take one picture a day for a whole year, and post each picture each day. It’s a really interesting project, but one that takes a lot of time and dedication.

Having a new baby and working like what seems like double the amount that I was last year, I thought I’d take it easy and do a 52-week project, rather than a 365-day one. But being a little bit on the ambitious side, I also decided to throw in an extra thing: art.

I used to paint and draw a lot before I got into photography, and since then, it’s sort of fallen to the wayside. Photography has been taking up most of my creative time in the past several years, but I wanted to get myself back to drawing and painting…which brings me to today’s blog post: a little peek into my 52-week photo and art project!

People have been following it on my creative photography blog, where I blog one photo and one artwork per week. I’m on week 12 now, and have 40 more to go! A few weeks ago, I created this drawing, which is actually a combo between a hand-drawn labyrinth and a silhouette photo of my husband Chad. It’s an actual solvable maze, so if you want to print it and give it a go, be my guest! (and tell me how it was! I haven’t done it yet, I just drew it!)

To follow my 52-week project, visit my other blog: gabriellephotos.wordpress.com



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