When I arrived at Kyla’s hotel room on the morning of her wedding to take getting ready photos, she was sitting quietly in her room, reading a love letter that her soon-to-be-husband had hand-written for her. She had a kleenex in hand, tears in her eyes, and reading what I thought must be a pretty profoundly moving letter. A little while later, as I was taking a photo of the card and letter he gave her, I couldn’t help but catch a peek at the letter. From the few words I saw, I could tell it was an incredibly beautifully written love letter. Not only that, but the guy had great handwriting! (let’s admit, that’s a bit of a rarity!)

Fast forward to a few weeks later, and as I was editing their wedding photos, the thought of this letter came back to mind and I started visualizing these words of love superimposed over some of their wedding images. That’s when I had the idea to e-mail Kyla and ask them if they’d be ok with sharing a few snippets of the letter to blend into their wedding photos. They said yes, and I was thrilled! I almost got teary-eyed myself when I received some of Kyla’s favourite quotes from his letter. His words to her hold such meaning and truth because they come straight from his heart – no pretense, nothing dressed up, just his honest expression of love.

And now here are quotes from this letter, blended together with some of their wedding photos. I can already picture these images as float mount prints on their living room walls….. gorgeous.%image_alt%%image_alt%



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