Winner of the Free Styled Bridal Party Shoot

Jul 23, 2012 | Uncategorized

Back in January I donated a free photo shoot for one lucky Weddings in Winnipeg bride during their 31 days of giveaways… and Jenn was the lucky winner! She and her bridesmaids won a free styled photo session and after months of planning and coordinating, it finally came to life in early June. Jenn and her girlfriends showed up at one of my favourite St. Boniface parks and with the help of Danielle who decorated the scene and Melissa who did all the girls’ make up for free, we had a beautiful session in the the early evening light. We wanted the session to be fun, relaxed and gorgeous – and I think we got just that, thanks to everyone involved!

(and if YOU are in the market for a free shoot (who isn’t!?), stay tuned to my facebook page… a few things are in the works for the near future, and will be announced there!)

Congratulations Jenn – it looks like your wedding is going to be a blast with these lovely ladies… I wish you all the best!

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