Denley and Crys: Winnipeg Wedding Photography

Oct 24, 2012 | Uncategorized

The big day finally came after months and months of preparation and anticipation… and I (of all people) was brimming with excitement! Denley has been a good friend and photography buddy of mine for several years now, and since he photographed my wedding, I’ve been waiting for the day that I could finally return the favour. When I first met Crys a few years back, there was something about her that made me believe that she was THE ONE. She was smart, down to earth, super caring and insightful, not to mention a ton of fun. And I could tell Denley like her. A lot. So as their relationship progressed, it quickly became evident to everyone that this was a perfect match! They are a dynamic duo full of zest for life and passionately in love. They’re also generous, immensely kind and so much fun to be with. They are quality people and that is also made evident by the wonderful community of friends and family that surround them.

Their wedding day was spectacular – we had fantastic weather, great locations and a super photogenic bunch of people! I had a lot of fun with them and it was really hard to remember that I *was* working after all… although I have to say being a photographer while also being a guest is the best way to experience a wedding! I had a front row seat to everything and being responsible for capturing it all is a gigantic honour and a huge blessing. From start to finish I had a blast, and let me tell you, I experienced a wide range of emotions throughout the day! From blinking back the tears at the beautiful ceremony… to laughing my head off during the speeches and slideshow… and back to holding back the tears again as Crys’ sisters spoke beautiful words at the reception (or, shall I say, tried to speak despite all their sobbing!). The outpouring of love was amazing, and I’m sure Crys and Denley felt the intensity of it. It was awesome.

Thank you Crys and Denley for allowing me the great pleasure of photographing your wedding – it was a day to remember, and I couldn’t be happier for you that you have found true love with each other! You’re the best!

(Some of the locations that were used: Exchange District, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Assiniboine Forest and Qualico Family Centre)


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