Lise & Brent: Wedding Photography in Winnipeg

Nov 1, 2012 | Uncategorized

I absolutely love small intimate weddings – and that’s exactly what Lise and Brent planned for their wedding day. I met them only a few short months before their actual wedding date and I instantly liked them the moment we sat down for coffee. Lise is an absolute sweetheart – genuine, warm and very personable. And it’s no surprise that she’s connected so well with Brent – he has a wonderful honest personality and a fun sense of humour. Together you can see that they’ve got a bond that doesn’t need any effort. Their love is comfortable and it’s real, and it was beautifully expressed in the way they planned their wedding event.

Surounded by close friends and family, they had a lovely ceremony at the Norwood Hotel which was packed with heartfelt words, great symbolism and intentional expressions of their love towards their family. Watching them get married was a huge honour and even though I had only known them for a few months, I felt super connected to the moment. And I’m sure it was exactly the way they intended it to be!

We started our day with a first look at Fort Gibraltar, followed by some photos around the Fort and at the St. Boniface Cathedral. The photography ended with the lovely wedding ceremony at the hotel and although it was a short day, it was definitely sweet! The evening went on with a dinner at the hotel followed by continued partying in their own backyard. What a great way to celebrate love with their friends and family!

Lise and Brent – I wish you all the best as you continue to grow together in your love. It was a pleasure being a part of your day!


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