Kristen and Trevor – where do I begin? I know I say this a lot about my clients, but these guys were a ton of fun and super laid back! And I’m not just saying it to say it… my wedding clients always end up being exactly like that. And I love it that way!
They had a beautiful wedding ceremony at Calvary Temple in downtown Winnipeg followed by some lovely family photos just a short walk from the church. The ceremony had an added touch of entertainment when the unity candle (flame in full force!) was knocked over during the quiet signing of the registry moment. The stand crashed and broke into a million pieces and fortunately (or unfortunately?) the flame was put out as it hit the (carpeted!) floor. Yikes! But Kristen’s brother came to the rescue and without hesitation re-lit the unity candle, so all is well in married land! We all had a good laugh, and lucky for us, the couple wasn’t phased by the horror of the unity flame being quenched so early on in their marriage! Good sports. 🙂
Their day followed with some photos in the Exchange District, St. Vital Park and a quick stop at their favourite coffee spot: Starbucks. We enjoyed a lovely reception at the Niverville Heritage Center complete with a custom-built photo booth designed and constructed by Kristen’s dad. Super creative! I should also give a shout out to Academy Florist for creating stunning floral bouquets for the girls. Once again, they outdid themselves.
Enjoy the photos and a huge congrats goes out to Kristen and Trevor! Their love absolutely glows on their faces and the fun they have together is super infectuous! I couldn’t be happier for them!