September is a lovely month for weddings in Winnipeg – the leaves are changing colour, the air is getting cooler and the sun is a little more golden. There definitely was romance in the air and Rachel and Daniel’s wedding played out oh-so perfectly. Rachel was a radiant bride – always smiling, always elegant and ever so beautiful. Daniel was also grinning all day, and when these two are together, sparks fly! It was an immense honour being able to witness their marriage – especially since Rachel is a long-time friend of mine and being their photographer allowed me to experience their wedding in such a meaningful way. It was an absolute pleasure spending the day with their families and wedding party – everyone that is near and dear to them has a strong presence in their life and it was moving to see.

Congratulations Rachel and Daniel – the love you share is so beautiful to see and you definitely made a statement to all that was present! You are an inspiration and a blessing and I look forward to seeing your love grow in the many years to come!




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