Cheryl & Matt: Wedding Photography in Winnipeg

Feb 4, 2013 | Uncategorized

Cheryl and Matt’s wedding has been well overdue to be blogged and today is finally the day! The 2012 wedding season was super busy for me, which means I had the amazing opportunity to witness so many beautiful weddings and so many intimate moments of shared love, expressed in the most significant of ways. I’m truly blessed to be a wedding photographer, and the sentiment was felt especially strong at Cheryl & Matt’s wedding.

Let me set the stage: it was late October, the air was cool and crisp in Winnipeg – but the sun shone, the remaining colours were still vibrant and the day held some sort of undescribable energy. Chery and Matt share something incredibly special, and I think something in the realm of forever shifted a bit. Everyone that was there must have felt it, and the least we could do was to celebrate alongside with them.

And celebrate we all did! Cheryl’s family and friends have an amazing talent for music and the church filled with beautiful melodies and voices. The ceremony was moving, especially because their community of friends and family is so intensely present with their love, support and prayers. All this presence definitely marked a path in their new journey together and it was absolutely inspiring to see.

The rest of the afternoon followed with photos at the Manitoba Hydro Building on Portage Avenue – not only on the main floor, but also in the upper floors of this gorgeous building. I especially had fun exploring these new spaces with my camera and had a blast taking photos of the wedding party in there! I have to say a special thank you to Cheryl’s friend who spent the time to escort us so that we could get such a great variety of photos. We also ventured outside to Waterfront Drive and took some lovely photos amongst the last standing colours in the trees. I have to say another HUGE thank you to the wedding party (especially the girls!) for braving the cold. Just for the record… I was wearing my winter coat with tuque and mits! It was THAT cold!

We finished the photos on the rooftop of the Malborough Hotel with them two alone. The timing was perfect – the sun was starting to set in all its bright goldeny splendor and Cheryl and Matt, despite the cold (and the many cell phone calls to organize details at the reception!), found a way to enjoy each other’s company, relish in their love and to just *be* with each other in the way that only they can. It was pure love, pure delight, pure togetherness… they are 100% fit for each other! And it definitely showed in their photos!

The rest of the evening was shared with lots of laughter, dancing and great conversation. I’m honoured to have been a part of it all, to have witnessed the joining of their lives as one and to have created images of it all. Cheryl and Matt’s love warms my heart and is a huge inspiration to see. They definitely ended my wedding season on a high note and I can’t wait for many more photo sessions with them in the future! Congratulations Cheryl & Matt – what you share is something special, and we all know it and are moved by it. Thank you for everything you shared with all of us on your wedding day!



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