Whenever I’m not shooting, it seems like I’m just brainstorming ideas and daydreaming about my next shoot. The cold Autumn months will do that to a photographer, especially this last November as I was watching the warmer days quickly fading into the past… It doesn’t mean shooting in Winnipeg stops in the winter, but things do slow down a bit (especially weddings of course), and portrait shoots start moving indoors. I love doing outdoor winter photo shoots (and I have a few coming up to be featured on my blog!), but often us Winnipeggers prefer staying indoors as much as possible. Who can blame us?
Despite the change in season, a fellow photographer (and friend of mine) and I decided to venture outdoors to do a bit of location scouting before the first snow dump of the winter. We wanted to discover some of the lesser known corners of the city, places we don’t go to much but have always been curious about using. We started with an early morning stop at Parlour for a latté-to-go and then whisked off driving around the city. We went to several locations – some outside, some indoors, and some semi-indoor (covered parking garages!) and had some fun shooting each other. Some locations were duds, while others were pleasent surprises. What I look for in a great location is spectacular natural light (dynamic and multi-dimentional), but lately I’ve also been attracted to locations with clean, modern and geometric backgrounds. The best places, of course, are the lesser-known ones. Little unassuming treasures.
So here are some photos from our day-trip around Winnipeg. Thanks Aly for being a fantastic model – you made each location look extra nice! 🙂