Lindsay + Carter: Wedding Photography in Winnipeg

Jul 1, 2014 | Wedding

Lindsay and Carter were married at the very end of March, and although we had already welcomed Spring on our calendars, it was very much still winter here in Winnipeg. It certainly didn’t have much effect on the wedding because Lindsay and Carter had chosen one of the warmest, lushest green spaces in Winnipeg: the Assiniboine Park Conservatory. What a gorgeous wedding venue! The ceremony was held in the middle of a beautiful tulip garden and it was absolutely beautiful. We also got some great photos at their hotel, at Red River College, at the Hydro Building and also inside the conservatory. We did take a few quick photos outside and Lindsay and Carter were troopers braving that nasty cold wind!

It was great seeing Lindsay and Carter again. My first photo session with them was last August in the middle of a scorching heat wave for their engagement photos, so it was quite the contrast this time around in March. But the chemistry and dynamics were the same: Linsday and Carter are absolute sweethearts. They’re a joy to be with and a constant pleasure to work with. These two have commitment, love and steadfastness perfectly blended and I was honoured to photograph their wedding. I have no doubt they will continue to marvel at this love they have for many years to come. Congratulations you guys!!



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