One of the very first weddings I photographed professionally was Lizanne & Raymond’s several years ago. It’s such a long time ago, that I can’t even dig up their blog post! (I’m not even sure it exists!) So when I heard from Lizanne that they were expecting their first baby, I was super excited to get another opportunity to take photos for them. It’s been a long time but seeing them still just as madly in love with each other brought me right back to their wedding day. This time though, there was an extra dose of excitement. Nothing prepares you for the journey of having a baby, except actually walking through it, so it’s such a special opportunity to photograph the parents in the last few days of coupledom before baby arrives. These two were absolutely glowing! We started the session indoors as the rain fell outside, but soon enough, the rain stopped, the skies parted and we got these glorious photos at St. Vital Park. Congratulations you two!!



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