River is a year old! – Winnipeg Family Photography

Apr 6, 2015 | Baby

Although River was a few weeks past his first birthday, we still got together for some fun family photos outside to celebrate all the milestones from his first year. River is simply put just the best kiddo ever. He’s so full of energy and wonder and has a smile that melts my heart instantly. We didn’t have much of an agenda for this shoot – all we knew was that we wanted to use a location away from a typical city park so we opted for a streetscape that had more dynamic spaces. River had a 1-year birthday milestone chart and we also caught a few cute moments of him when a fuzzy caterpillar crawled up his shirt. But other than all that, the very best part was seeing the joy that this little family shares. They’re so fun to watch together with no shortage of cute moments. We took tons of photos, and I think I could have taken a ton more, and in the end the results are clear: River is a little charmer and he’s changed his parent’s hearts forever. Happy birthday River!



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