Wiebe Family Photos at St. Vital Park

May 31, 2015 | Family

I know it’s going to be a great photo session when I meet up with the Wiebe family – this energetic and oh-so-cute family is just about the darlingnest thing you’ve ever seen and so much fun to photograph! The Fall season in Winnipeg is very short and every year I try and squeeze in as many family sessions as possible before the colourful leaves fall off the trees and the temperatures plummet. The best time of year for fall family photos in Winnipeg seems to be in the last 10 days of September and about a week into October. After that, the weather goes crazy and is unpredictable which makes missing that window of opportunity easy to do! So I’m glad we were able to schedule a day with these guys to take advantage of the rich colours at St. Vital Park. We made a slow walking loop around the duck pond and captured some super fun shots with all of them. Their kids are so adorable and before we knew it, we had finished the loop and I had racked up hundreds of photos on my memory cards! Here’s a sampling of some of my favourite shots from the session!


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