Jen & Wayne: Winter Wedding at Smith – Inn at the Forks

Jul 25, 2018 | Wedding

I connected with Jen & Wayne last year after I had photographed his brother’s wedding a couple years back. I met them for the first time at their engagement session, and they were such a JOY to be with and to photograph! Their wedding was in early December at the Inn at the Forks and at Smith Restaurant. What a gorgeous venue and such a perfect place for them to celebrate with their closest friends & family! The setting was so classy yet cozy and their event suited their personality and style perfectly. We had a great time walking around the Forks market for a few photos and braving the cold for a few outdoor photos too. Their ceremony was held in a private room inside the restaurant and it was so intimate and heartfelt. Jen & Wayne, congratulations! You’re such a delight to work with and such an adorable couple!


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