Micah: First Birthday Photos and Cake Smash

Micah turned one! To mark this exciting milestone, his parents invited me to their home to take some lifestyle family portraits as well as to take photos of a cake smash in their backyard. We used my white paper backdrop, set up the cake and Micah did the rest. 🙂 We finished with a bubble bath and he was so happy the entire time! Happy birthday Micah! You are so cute!

Griffin’s First Birthday Photo Shoot

A year ago I met Griffin at his newborn photo session when he was just a wee little guy, and yesterday I had the pleasure of seeing him again, this time, all grown up! We went to his great-aunt’s amazing (and huge) backyard and got some great photos of him with balloons and of course, a cake to smash. Both sets of grandparents were there and also got a chance to jump into some of the photos. This guy is well-loved and oh-so cute! He was all smiles, and got into the cake like a true birthday boy should! Happy birthday Griffin!170710GT3172 170710GT3192 170710GT3200 170710GT3321 170710GT3363 170710GT3439 170710GT3449 170710GT3457 170710GT3479
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