Every September I host mini family sessions in Winnipeg and the spots sell out so quickly! Families with little kids or older teenagers love these types of sessions because it’s not too long, and it keeps everyone engaged (and not bored!) for just the right amount of time.
This year I did the mini sessions at Kings Park on a Saturday afternoon and into the early evening, and it was absolutely beautiful! Fifteen minutes may seem like a short amount of time, but it’s enough to capture posed pictures and candid shots. I also love taking close up portraits of each kid (and headshots for the adults, if they want one).
Here’s a preview of some of the photos that we took this year. I still have a few more mini session and half-session spots left for October 2024. Just contact me to see my available dates!
Thinking of getting family photos done after missing out on the peak of the fall season? Last year we had a warm fall which meant we still had gorgeous, warm evenings well into mid-October. This family booked their photo shoot on October 18th – quite late in the season – but we lucked out on nice weather (it was close to 20 degrees celsius!) and some of the leaves were still hanging on in the trees! We chose Henteleff Park in South St. Vital as our location and it was an absolute gorgeous backdrop for their family portraits.
If you’re wondering if you missed out on nice September family photos – don’t discount October! Even though I don’t recommend putting off booking your photo session late in the season, mid-October could still surprise you with some warm, sunny days with colours still in the trees.
If you’d like more information on booking your family session, contact me here.
Every year I take Aynsley’s annual family photos but for 2023, they chose something a bit different: a late fall date (assuming we would have snow) and a beautiful location: Charlie May Farm! Unfortunately, Winnipeg had an unusual fall, where we had snow in October that stayed for several weeks, then it all melted. By the time their late November shoot date came around, no snow! We still made the best of it, and captured some beautiful moments with that late afternoon glowing sun. Manitoba can still be gorgeous this time of year (despite the awful, bone-chilling wind we endured during the photo session!) and thanks to Charlie May Farm’s beautiful property, we captured a collection of images full of variety. And of course those smiles from those three sisters. I always enjoy taking their photos and capturing that sisterly bond that is so sweet between these three!
To book your next family photo session in Winnipeg or surrounding areas, contact me for availability and location ideas:
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Looking for a beautiful location in Winnipeg with blooms from July to October? The English Garden is that go-to spot. It’s a gem inside the city and a very popular location for family photos. Although it can get crowded on warm summer evenings, it’s still a great location if you’re looking for colour with rich foliage & flowers. I had a blast taking photos of Mayo and Bea’s blended family: so many personalities and tons of fun! I enjoyed this shoot so much!
Looking to update your family photos? Contact me for availability and fun location ideas:
We’re coming up quick to the busiest time of the year for family photos: September! Fall is by far the most popular season for family photography sessions. People love the cooler air, nicer sunlight earlier in the evening, fewer mosquitoes and pretty colours in the trees.
But for a lot of moms (and dads too) the task of planning a photo shoot can be super daunting.
Over the last 15 years of taking family photos for my clients, I’ve found the following planning tips to be really helpful:
1) Determine what type of vibe you want to capture.
Do you want casual, candid portraits?
Do you want formal, posed photos?
Do you want a nature or architectural background?
Do you want photojournalistic, storytelling photos or a more formal and directed shoot?
Do you just need four or five photos to print a Christmas card?
Do you need a well-rounded collection of images to fill frames, print holiday cards and add to your annual family photo album?
Do you need 100+ photos so that you can keep and cherish every little moment from the photo shoot?
Once you know how many photos you need, you can pick a mini session or a full session. If you’re not sure, a mini session or half-session is a good option because you can always order extra photos if you change your mind after you review the gallery of proofs.
This might be THE most stressful part! My best advice is to start early and not leave this to the last minute. Start by picking out an outfit for the hardest person in the group. If there are prints or patterns in this first outfit, make sure the next outfits you add have mostly solid colours in the same colour scheme or tone. At all costs, avoid logos, distracting graphics or really bright colours.
You also want to make sure your outfits fit the location. If you’re wearing really formal wear in a casual park setting where there’s lots of adventuring through the woods or sitting on the ground in tall grass, that dress shirt and tie or cocktail dress might look out of place. In the same way, if you’re wearing really casual athletic wear in a location that has funky architecture or an artistic flare, this might not make sense.
And finally – don’t wear a new article of clothing for the first time at a photo shoot. You may be surprised at how uncomfortable or ill-fitting an outfit feels. If you feel uncomfortable, it’s hard to hide that in your face! I recommend wearing your outfit at least once before so that you are sure that you like how you look and how it makes you feel.
4) Prioritize golden hour, but not at the expense of your kids’ moods.
Yes, you want good light for your outdoor photos (and that’s usually the 2nd hour after sunrise or the 2nd hour before sunset), but if that’s close to bed time for your kids, it’s not worth it! Although brighter parts of the day may not be ideal for photos, I can help find locations that have shade from the sun if you want to make sure the session ends before bedtime. It’s better to have smiles and happy toddlers than gorgeous lighting with cranky kids. Also, parents look and feel their best in photos when their kids are happy. 😉 (I can attest to that personally from my own photo shoots!)