Meet Natasha Boone – a talented Winnipeg artist with a unique style and a quirky approach to art. This series of photos features her life as a home-based artist who is currently working on an ambitious auto-biographical graphic novel. Natasha is a good friend of mine and her work as an illustrator has always been something that intrigued and fascinated me. I wanted to capture a piece of her life as an artist and this series of photos is a result of that. I spent a couple of hours at her place back in April. We had tea, chatted a bit, and I snapped away with my camera as she went on with her regular day-job. Oh the life of an artist! I love her work. I have some of it up in my house and have gifted it to friends as well. Good art is meant to be passed along.
You can follow her work here. And you can read about her graphic novel project here. She also currently has some of her artwork exhibited here in Winnipeg. For more info, click here.