Urban Portraits in Winnipeg – Jocelyn & Matt

Feb 12, 2015 | Creative, Photography

This portrait photo session is high on my list of highlights from last summer and a large part of that has to do with how much I adore this couple. They’re a solid team, absolutely in love and completely connected. For this session we picked an urban spot in Winnipeg that I hadn’t used much and because of that the flow of the session was unscripted, unplanned and totally spontaneous. We explored about 3 blocks of the iconic Provencher Boulevard in the heart of Winnipeg’s French community and what I found was so much fun to play with as a photographer! Jocelyn and Matt have had more than one family photo session this past year, so being able to do a couple-only portrait shoot was special for them. Without the distraction of kids, we focused on their chemistry as a couple and I found nothing but gold between these two. Thanks guys for trusting me with this shoot – it was so much fun!


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