Freynet-Gagné Translation and Consulting wanted their website photos to feel more personal and approachable so they contacted me to plan a photo shoot for this project. To move away from the stock images they had on their website, we focused on creating real, custom photos of their actual team.
We started by taking professional headshots for their team then we staged team collaboration shots in a co-working space to capture the energy of their work.
Creating custom photos like this showcases the real people behind the business and this gives their website a more authentic, human touch.
Shooting in a dark office after sunset presented some challenges, but by setting up my off-camera lighting, I was able to brighten up the space without losing the natural, inviting atmosphere they wanted.
Our location, without proper lighting.
The results after setting up my lights.
The result: sharp, high-quality images that felt both professional and genuine—perfect for reflecting their true brand.
Big shout out to Launch Co-Working space for letting us rent their offices for the photo shoot!
Freynet-Gagné’s website now has a fresh, polished look, and my goal is to help visitors connect with them and feel more confident in their services.
Every year I take Aynsley’s annual family photos but for 2023, they chose something a bit different: a late fall date (assuming we would have snow) and a beautiful location: Charlie May Farm! Unfortunately, Winnipeg had an unusual fall, where we had snow in October that stayed for several weeks, then it all melted. By the time their late November shoot date came around, no snow! We still made the best of it, and captured some beautiful moments with that late afternoon glowing sun. Manitoba can still be gorgeous this time of year (despite the awful, bone-chilling wind we endured during the photo session!) and thanks to Charlie May Farm’s beautiful property, we captured a collection of images full of variety. And of course those smiles from those three sisters. I always enjoy taking their photos and capturing that sisterly bond that is so sweet between these three!
To book your next family photo session in Winnipeg or surrounding areas, contact me for availability and location ideas:
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Late September in Manitoba – there’s nothing quite like this very short time of year to give you some of the most beautiful backdrops! This year I met up with a record amount of families to take their photos, and one spot I keep returning to is Birds Hill Park. There’s something incredibly magical about that early evening sun shining down on your photo session. For this adorable family of four, all that light just amplified their playful dynamics, cute cuddles and love moments. These are some of my favourite sessions to photograph, they make my heart so full!
A drive out to the rural outskirts of the city, an early morning sun filtered by thin clouds and a beautiful family is what made this photo session absolutely perfect! Their daughter is almost a year old, and capturing this special milestone is something that I love so much. She toddled around with her cute little feet, she babbled some very interesting but incoherent stories, and had the biggest, beaming smile for so many photos. She even took a few bites of fresh dill and showed off her cool shades. Spending time with a 1 year old is so refreshing! It was an absolute delight to document this moment in time and here’s a handful of the photos we captured.
Just when Chelsea was about to give birth to her third child, a pandemic hit the world and photographers in Winnipeg, including me, had to shut down temporarily. This meant she missed her newborn photo session for her littlest one, Nicholas. Although it was devastating to miss that milestone in photos, we were able to reschedule to a family portrait session a couple of months later. The 3 month baby stage is also just as cute in its own way, and I was so happy to be able to meet up with this sweet family that I have known for years. From their engagement photos, to their wedding, to multiple newborn and family photo shoots since, it’s always a pleasure seeing them and taking photos for their lovely family. I always enjoy my time with their kids, and last night was no exception! Félicitations Chelsea et Justin, Nicholas est adorable!!